All files / src/modules/api/auth auth.controller.ts

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import { AuthUser } from "@/common/decorators/AuthUser.decorator";
import { DiscordAuthGuard } from "@/common/guards/Discord.guard";
import { JwtAuthGuard } from "@/common/guards/Jwt.guard";
import { Config } from "@/modules/shared/config/types";
import { UserEntity } from "@/modules/shared/database/entities";
import { Cookies, Routes, Services, isInProduction } from "@/types/Constants";
import { Controller, Get, HttpCode, HttpStatus, Inject, Redirect, Req, Res, UseGuards } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ConfigService } from "@nestjs/config";
import { ApiTags } from "@nestjs/swagger";
import { FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from "fastify";
import { IAuthService } from "./interfaces/IAuthService.interface";
export class AuthController {
	public constructor(
		@Inject(Services.Auth) private readonly authService: IAuthService,
		private readonly configService: ConfigService,
	) {}
	public login(): void {}
	@Redirect(isInProduction ? "http://localhost:4401/@me" : "http://localhost:4400/api/auth/status")
	public async redirect(@Req() req: FastifyRequest, @Res() res: FastifyReply): Promise<void> {
		const jwt = await this.authService.login(req.user);
		res.cookie(Cookies.JWT, jwt, {
			httpOnly: true,
			maxAge: this.configService.getOrThrow<Config["API"]>("API").MaxAge,
			path: "/",
	public status(@AuthUser() user: UserEntity): UserEntity {
		return user;