All files / src/modules/api/user user.service.ts

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import { UserEntity } from "@/modules/shared/database/entities";
import { IAPIUserRepository } from "@/modules/shared/database/repositories/interfaces/IAPIUserRepository";
import { Repositories } from "@/modules/shared/database/types/constants";
import { Inject, Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { IUserService } from "./interfaces/IUserService";
import { UserDTO } from "./user.dto";
export class UserService implements IUserService {
	public constructor(@Inject(Repositories.APIUser) private readonly apiUserRepo: IAPIUserRepository) {}
	public async get(userId: string): Promise<UserEntity> {
		return await this.apiUserRepo.get(userId);
	public async create(details: UserDTO): Promise<UserEntity> {
		const user = await this.get(;
		if (!user) {
			await this.apiUserRepo.create(details);
		return user ? user : await this.get(;
	public async update(details: UserDTO): Promise<UserEntity> {
		return await this.apiUserRepo.update(details);