All files / src/modules/bot/music/classes ExtendedPlayer.ts

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import { CommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
import { Player } from "lavalink-client";
export default class BasePlayer extends Player {
	private _isPremium = false;
	private _songMessage: string;
	private _playerMessage: string;
	private _playerAuthor: string;
	private _isSlash: boolean;
	private _interaction?: CommandInteraction;
	public constructor(args) {
		super(args, args);
	public get isPremium(): boolean {
		return this._isPremium;
	public set isPremium(value: boolean) {
		this._isPremium = value;
	public get songMessage(): string {
		return this._songMessage;
	public set songMessage(messageId: string) {
		this._songMessage = messageId;
	public get playerMessage(): string {
		return this._playerMessage;
	public set playerMessage(messageId: string) {
		this._playerMessage = messageId;
	public get playerAuthor(): string {
		return this._playerAuthor;
	public set playerAuthor(authorId) {
		this._playerAuthor = authorId;
	public get slash(): {
		isSlash: boolean;
		interaction: CommandInteraction;
	} {
		return {
			isSlash: this._isSlash,
			interaction: this._interaction,
	public set slash({ isSlash, interaction }) {
		this._isSlash = isSlash;
		this._interaction = interaction;