All files / src/modules/bot/music/events Player.ts

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import { Config } from "@/modules/shared/config/types";
import { Inject, Injectable, Logger } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ConfigService } from "@nestjs/config";
import { OnEvent } from "@nestjs/event-emitter";
import { Client, Guild, TextChannel, VoiceChannel } from "discord.js";
import { Player } from "lavalink-client";
import { Music } from "../";
import { MessageTools } from "../../commands/Message";
import type { IMusicEmbeds } from "../interfaces";
export class PlayerEvents {
	public constructor(
		@Inject(Music.Embeds) private readonly embeds: IMusicEmbeds,
		private readonly config: ConfigService<Config>,
		private readonly client: Client,
	) {}
	private readonly logger = new Logger(;
	public async onPlayerCreate(player: Player): Promise<void> {
		const guild = (await this.client.guilds.fetch(player.guildId)) as Guild;
		this.logger.log(`Player iniciando no servidor: ${}(${})`);
		const textChannel = this.client.channels.cache.get(player.textChannelId) as TextChannel;
		const voiceChannel = this.client.channels.cache.get(player.voiceChannelId) as VoiceChannel;
		player.playerMessage = (
			await MessageTools.send(textChannel, {
				embeds: [await this.embeds.PlayerCreate(guild, textChannel, voiceChannel, player)],
		textChannel.messages.fetch(player.playerMessage).then((msg) => {
			if (msg?.deletable) {
				setTimeout(async () => {
					msg.delete().catch((error: Error) => {
						this.logger.warn('Não consegui deletar o "Player_MESSAGE"', error);
				}, 5 * 1000);
		if (this.config.getOrThrow<Config["Music"]>("Music").Client.serverDeaf) {
			for (let i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
				await new Promise((resolve) => {
					setTimeout(() => {
						i = 10;
					}, 1000);
	public async onPlayerMove(player: Player, oldChannel: string, newChannel: string): Promise<void> {
		if (!newChannel) {
			const textChannel = this.client.channels.cache.get(player.textChannelId) as TextChannel;
			const voiceChannel = this.client.channels.cache.get(player.voiceChannelId) as VoiceChannel;
			MessageTools.send(textChannel, { embeds: [await this.embeds.PlayerMove(textChannel, voiceChannel)] });
			try {
				textChannel.messages.fetch(player.get("MESSAGE")).then((msg) => {
					if (msg?.deletable) {
						setTimeout(() => {
						}, 2000);
			} catch (error) {
		} else {
			player.voiceChannelId = newChannel;
			if (player.paused) return;
			setTimeout(() => {
				setTimeout(() => {
				}, * 2);
			}, * 2);
	public async onPlayerDisconnect(player: Player, oldChannel: string): Promise<void> {
		const guild = this.client.guilds.cache.get(player.guildId) as Guild;
		this.logger.log(`Player desconectado no servidor: ${}(${})\n canal: ${oldChannel}`);
	public async onPlayerDestroy(player: Player, destroyReason: string): Promise<void> {
		const guild = this.client.guilds.cache.get(player.guildId) as Guild;
		this.logger.log(`Player destruído no servidor: ${}(${}) | Motivo: ${destroyReason}`);