All files / src/modules/bot/music/events Voice.ts

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import { Config } from "@/modules/shared/config/types";
import type { IDatabaseService } from "@/modules/shared/database/interfaces/IDatabaseService";
import { Services } from "@/types/Constants";
import { LOCALIZATION_ADAPTER, NestedLocalizationAdapter } from "@necord/localization";
import { Inject, Logger } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ConfigService } from "@nestjs/config";
import { ChannelType, Client, EmbedBuilder, TextChannel, VoiceChannel } from "discord.js";
import { Context, ContextOf, On } from "necord";
import { Music } from "..";
import type { IMusicService } from "../interfaces";
export class VoiceEvents {
	public constructor(
		@Inject(Services.Database) private readonly database: IDatabaseService,
		@Inject(Music.Service) private readonly MusicService: IMusicService,
		@Inject(LOCALIZATION_ADAPTER) private readonly translate: NestedLocalizationAdapter,
		private readonly client: Client,
		private readonly config: ConfigService<Config>,
	) {}
	private readonly logger = new Logger(;
	async onVoiceStateUpdate(@Context() [oldState, newState]: ContextOf<"voiceStateUpdate">) {
		const guildData = await this.database.GuildRepo().get(;
		if (!guildData) return;
		const { Premium } = guildData.Settings!;
		const player = await this.MusicService.getPlayerEvent(, Premium);
		// Auto Leave Client from Channels if is EMPTY or Everyone is MUTED
		if (oldState && (!newState.channelId || newState.channelId)) {
			if (player && oldState.channelId === player.voiceChannelId) {
				if (
						(!oldState.streaming && newState.streaming) ||
						(oldState.streaming && !newState.streaming) ||
						(!oldState.serverMute && newState.serverMute && !newState.serverDeaf && !newState.selfDeaf) ||
						(oldState.serverMute && !newState.serverMute && !newState.serverDeaf && !newState.selfDeaf) ||
						(!oldState.selfMute && newState.selfMute && !newState.serverDeaf && !newState.selfDeaf) ||
						(oldState.selfMute && !newState.selfMute && !newState.serverDeaf && !newState.selfDeaf) ||
						(!oldState.selfVideo && newState.selfVideo) ||
						(oldState.selfVideo && !newState.selfVideo)
				) {
					if (
						this.config.getOrThrow<Config["Music"]>("Music").Player.AutoLeaveEmpty.Channel.Enable &&
						player &&
						(! || === 0 || => ! && !mem.voice.deaf && !mem.voice.selfDeaf).size <
					) {
						setTimeout(async () => {
							try {
								let voiceChannel: VoiceChannel;
								voiceChannel = newState.guild.channels.cache.get(player.voiceChannelId) as VoiceChannel;
								if (voiceChannel) {
									voiceChannel = (await voiceChannel.fetch()) as VoiceChannel;
								if (!voiceChannel) {
									voiceChannel = (await newState.guild.channels.fetch(player.voiceChannelId).catch((error) => {
									})) as VoiceChannel;
								if (!voiceChannel) return player.destroy();
								if (
									!voiceChannel.members ||
									voiceChannel.members.size === 0 ||
										(member) => ! && !member.voice.deaf && !member.voice.selfDeaf,
									).size < 1
								) {
									player.destroy("Auto Leave Client from Channels if is EMPTY or Everyone is MUTED");
							} catch (error) {
						}, this.config.getOrThrow<Config["Music"]>("Music").Player.AutoLeaveEmpty.Channel.Delay || 60000);
	public async onVoiceChannelJoin(@Context() [member, channel]: ContextOf<"voiceChannelJoin">) {
		if ( === {
			// Auto set Client as Speaker in Stage Channels
			if (channel?.type === ChannelType.GuildStageVoice && {
				if ("Speak") ||
				) {;
			// Mute Client when join
			if (!channel? {
				if ("DeafenMembers") ||
				) {
	public async onVoiceChannelUndeaf(@Context() [member, type]: ContextOf<"voiceChannelUndeaf">) {
		const { Premium } = (await this.database.GuildRepo().get(;
		const player = await this.MusicService.getPlayerEvent(, Premium);
		// Anti Unmute Client
		if ( === {
			const textChannel = member.guild.channels.cache.get(player.textChannelId) as TextChannel;
				embeds: [
					new EmbedBuilder()
							name: this.client.user.tag,
							iconURL: this.client.user.displayAvatarURL(),
							this.translate.getTranslation("Events.VoiceStateUpdate.UNMute", member.guild.preferredLocale),
							text: this.translate.getTranslation("Events.VoiceStateUpdate.Embed.Footer", member.guild.preferredLocale),