All files / src/modules/shared/database/prisma Prisma.service.ts

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import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "node:async_hooks";
import { Inject, Injectable, Logger, OnApplicationShutdown, OnModuleInit } from "@nestjs/common";
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
import { AlsStore } from "../als/types";
import { Repositories } from "../types/constants";
export class PrismaService extends PrismaClient implements OnModuleInit, OnApplicationShutdown {
	public constructor(@Inject(Repositories.ALS) private readonly als: AsyncLocalStorage<AlsStore>) {
	private readonly logger = new Logger(;
	public async onModuleInit() {
		const state = this.als.getStore()["PrismaConnected"];
		if (!state) {
			await this.$connect();
			this.logger.log("PostgreSQL connected via Prisma");
			this.als.getStore()["PrismaConnected"] = true;
	public async onApplicationShutdown(signal?: string) {
		await this.$disconnect();
		this.logger.log(`PostgreSQL disconnected from Prisma reason: ${signal}`);
		this.als.getStore()["PrismaConnected"] = false;